In church when it's time to give peace to others by shaking their hands, mom would say, "Please to meet you!" instead of, "Peace be with you." Haha she so silly.
Wow...I haven't done a blog in quite sometime; YEARS, actually. This will give me something to do since I barely work now. Which sucks, BIG TIME! =/ Also, it's a good away to get my thoughts out, I guess. So follow along if you're remotely interested in my life! =)
So lets start off with a proper introduction, shall we? My name is Duyen but most friends call me Doo. I am 24 years old going on to 25 in January 6, which is actually just around the corner. ;) I have a twin sister name Xuan, who I spend a lot of my time with (we have the same friends). Therefore, it is likely that her name will be frequently mentioned in my posts. There are only a handful of people who I hold dear to me and they know who they are. One in particular is my "homedawg," Danny. I spend a lot of my time with him, as well. He is my all time co-pilot and I like him, a lot! =) Another person who has always been by my side is Hector. He's my closest friend and we've been through a lot together. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Through it all, we're still able to find humor in every situation that we're in. One of my favorite quote is, "If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna be a lot longer then you like." It's true and something I live by everday. Apart from the moment though. I am currently sick and there is nothing funny about being sick with a cold! Gosh...I hate being under the weather! There's nothing less attractive then walking around the house with a piece of tissue sticking out of your nose to keep it from running. Le sigh...Time to knock out with some drugs.

Imma do me and you gon do you.