I was recently offered a promotion at work as Assistant Program Supervisor aka Parent Consultant. It was either accept the promotion and get an extra 8hrs per MONTH(which is nothing!) OR work a second case as a Behavior Interventionist and get an additional 10hrs per WEEK. I really wanted the second case with more hours but I thought this would be a good opportunity to get a lead in the company and try something new. When a door opens, why not walk on through, right? I've only been working with this company for 3 months; so to be recognized for my performance this early in the job is pretty great. It's also probably easier to get more hours down the line than to get promoted this early in the company. In addition to the promotion, I was also given a raise when I went to do my 90day review with the boss lady. I was surprised that she offered it to me before I had the chance to even ask for one(which I was going to that day). I was so nervous the night before; knowing that I wanted to ask for an increase in my salary so early in my employment there. I even prepped out what I was going to say and how I was going to go about asking for one. I was afraid of coming off as an ass who is already asking for more. But goodness gracious! It's a good thing I didn't have to go down that route! I'll save that speech for another time. ;) Haha I start doing parent consulting next month. I'm pretty nervous but excited! At least the parent who I will be consulting with is someone I have already been working with for awhile. I should be okay. =)
Opportunites don't always come so easily or often; so take advantage of it when it crosses your path. Don't be afraid of taking a chance at something that can potentially be life altering! And even if it turns out not as glamorous as we had hope, it's going to be a lot more upsetting to have to wonder, "what if" later on. And we all know that those maddening "what if" that haunts us are sometimes some of the hardest blunders to live with. Don't let some other chump take your opportuniy from you! Grab it and don't let go!
On a totally different note, look what Danny made.
Happy New Year! Hopefully all of you had a great one and is having a great one since NYE! Keep the ball rolling! ;) I very much so enjoyed mine! Spent it at home with Danny watching TV and fireworks from my bedroom window. My backyard neighbor were lighting some great fireworks and we had the perfect view watching it from my bed. This would be mine and Danny's second New Year together as a pair! and it has been great thus far! A lot has changed this year (expected); and some of these changes were bitter sweet. Things, people, and situations don't stay the same forever. It's disappointing to have to let go of the people you once admired and adored and spent so many years with; but times are a changing and perhaps it's changing for the best? Well, may the new year bring us all happiness, love, good health, and the nice moments in between. <3
Xuan and I recently had a Bday party at our house. It was really good. Lots of friends, music, and dancing! I couldn't have asked for a better celebration! We ended the festivity eating pho with some friends. I think pho may be the best remedy post drinking. It just hits the spot!
It's what happens when you pass out at a party; you get raped by Hector. Duh
Following our party; we went to Big Bear for 4 days. There were a total of 16 of us and the crowd just made the trip that much better! Had SO MUCH fun this year. Might possibly be one of the best Bear trip we've taken yet. I got to spend a lot of time with good friends and my sweetie pie. A week of not having to work felt really good! These are memories I'll never forget! ;) Now it is back to reality and routines. :(
Hooray for chocolate cake shots!
One of the nicest guy ever, Mark!
Armpit licking action. Gross
Yummy red velvet cake! Thanks, girls! <3
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
Faking it so good!
"Oh shit!"
We're so cute! I know. ;)
Intense Wii game happening
These are the results of losing in a card game below!
I embrace changes and I take them for what they are and as they come; even when I don't want to. Changes are a part of life, and a part of life is knowing that not everything is permanent. Deal with it.