Danny and I have been working on this puzzle for a while now; along with this other larger puzzle we've been doing at the same time (equally unsuccessful, as of now). This puzzle is a 1000 piece puzzle that is almost impossible to do! The shape and color of the pieces are so similar that it takes hours just to get a few pieces connected. I want to finish it SOON but it seems nearly unattainable at this point! It's currently laying in the middle of my bedroom floor and people are always stepping on it when they come in; and the baby is always trying to get to it. I wouldn't be suprise if we're missing a piece or two. =/ We need some help! :O
and this is where we're at after about a month or so. Feeling a little defeated much? YES!
haha suckers...
you guys need some Hector power!
We took the puzzle apart already. =/
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